How to lighten facial skin at home

Take recipes into your piggy bank!

The skin lightening process is a regular chain of actions and remedies that must be remembered and put into practice. Agree, well-groomed radiant skin is the key to beauty. But not all women can boast of an even complexion. The reasons can be different: freckles, age spots, purple spots after acne removal. And all due to changes in hormonal levels, constant stress, intense work, visiting a solarium or long exposure to the sun.

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How to lighten facial skin

You can lighten the skin of the face with the help of home remedies on your own or use the professional services of cosmetologists in beauty salons. The best time of the year for these procedures is autumn and winter.

Skin lightening diet

It's not a secret for anyone that water participates in many processes in the body, starting the process of evening out the complexion of the skin. Therefore, drink more pure water, pay attention to your diet.

So, following a diet will naturally rid the body of toxic substances, cleanse the cells of the body, launch the hidden resources of the skin, and complement home and salon care. Your diet should include more vegetables, fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat more fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cheese, they contain vitamin D, calcium and magnesium - they have an anti-stress effect.


Gentle skin cleansing and proper washing in the morning

Let's start with the evening ritual. It is better to wash your face not with tap water, but with filtered or bottled water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. This composition brightens, saturates the skin with vitamins. It is advisable to remove daytime makeup with special creams or gel products. They cleanse the face of impurities and restore the protective layer of the skin.

Cleansing the skin in the morning. Make it a habit to wash your face with milk whey, yogurt or fresh milk. Which gives excellent skin lightening results.

How to make a brightening facial toner at home

  • 1. An active acidic tonic using wine vinegar, made from the calculation: 5 parts of water + 5 parts of lemon juice + 5 parts of wine vinegar. We wipe our face several times a day.
  • 2. Aloe vera juice very quickly whitens the skin if you wipe your face with it in the morning and in the evening.

An effective face whitening scrub

The use of a scrub is simply necessary to mechanically cleanse the skin of the face from dead cells. There is a huge selection of these products in stores and pharmacies today, but for face whitening it is better to prepare an effective composition yourself.

Recipe. A fine, slightly acidic scrub (ex-tome) can be made by mixing cane sugar, olive oil, and 10 drops of lemon juice (or fruit zest). Made. Now we cleanse the face with the prepared scrub with light circular movements and rinse with warm water.

The only thing is not recommended for sensitive skin of the face and who have a tendency to acne. Perfect for women with oily and aging skin.


Whitening masks and compresses

Parsley juice

Use fresh parsley juice as a whitening agent, it's a real miracle. We cook as follows.Take a medium bunch of fresh parsley, finely chop, pour boiling water (200-250 ml). We insist for 2-3 hours and filter. Lubricate age spots and freckles with the prepared solution.

Fresh cucumber juice

Lubricate your face regularly with fresh cucumber juice. Do not rinse off active juice with water!

Whitening compresses using 5% wine vinegar solution

a) Before starting the procedure, we make a mask of wheat flour and yogurt (sour cream) in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for 10 minutes.
b) While your mask is infused, take a small cotton swab or gauze napkin, moisten it in a 5% vinegar solution and apply it to the age spot for 10 minutes.
c) After the specified time has elapsed, we remove the tampon, and instead of it, apply a compress from the mask prepared earlier for 10 minutes. For the first week, compresses are not prohibited to be done every other day, as soon as the spots brighten once a week.

Whitening masks based on melon, tomato, currant, viburnum and citrus fruits

Remember. All sour fruit masks have a whitening effect and naturally brighten your skin, acting on it as well as professional lightening products.

To prepare a healing mask, you need to take fruits or berries, make gruel out of them in a mortar or blender. Mix the resulting gruel with fat sour cream or olive oil. You need to know that it is not suitable for everyone. So, for those with dry or sensitive skin, use with caution. For oily skin, use a natural formula without adding any other ingredients. It is better to wash it off with a pre-prepared herbal infusion or serum.


Whitening face with a hydrogen peroxide mask

Working staff:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of 3–6% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • 1 teaspoon potato flour.

Mix potato flour with hydrogen peroxide solution and apply on face. Use the mask no more than 2 times a week.

Avoid overusing the sun's rays, and starting in spring, use sunscreen, powder to protect the skin from UV rays. See also: How to lighten or remove facial hair.

How to lighten facial skin


the beauty
