How to dress to look taller and slimmer?

Techniques that slim!

Ideal figures in everyday life are extremely rare, but modern girls should not be upset about this or experience any complexes. After all, there are enough tricks, tools, ways to adjust your figure.

First of all, these are sports, special exercises, massage, special nutrition. However, all this takes time and a lot of willpower. But with the help of clothes, you can hide many flaws in the figure, or at least make them not so noticeable. It is the clothes that can make the girl visually taller and slimmer.

How to dress to look taller and slimmer?

How to dress a plump, small girl

In itself, short stature is not a big problem, but looking at fashion models gracefully walking the catwalk, many girls begin to consider small stature as a disadvantage. In addition, a couple of extra pounds on the figure of a miniature young lady immediately becomes noticeable, while on a taller girl this may not be visible at all.

How to dress to look taller and slimmer, stylish looks

1. First of all, large details should be discarded: pockets, inserts, jacket lapels. After all, all this can violate the proportions of the figure. The same can be said about the fabric pattern - it should be small.

How to dress to look taller and slimmer, photos and images

2. Do not wear too long dresses, skirts, coats, this makes the figure seem even more squat. Shoes and part of the leg must be visible from under the hem of the clothes.

3. Do not wear bulky and puffy scarves, fur collars around the neck, they visually make the silhouette heavier.

4. The main rule here is this: clothes should form a vertical, not a square. That is, the views of others should move up and down, and not left and right.

How to dress full girls

Therefore, when choosing elements of a suit, you should give preference to things made of monochromatic and similar fabrics. If someone finds such a suit too simple and boring, you can decorate it with a flowing silk scarf and a long chain. All these elements should create additional vertical lines and make the figure visually taller.

5. Not sure what else to do? Use a print strip - it is also in trend. For this, things with vertical stripes are great. But it should be borne in mind that the width of the stripes should be small. Stripes that are too wide create a visually opposite effect.

How to dress to look taller and slimmer, style tips

6. As for the color, you should choose monochromatic things or dark shades of different colors (bringing the image closer to the monochrome style), the dark color makes the figure slimmer. That is why black is very popular in clothes, as even many slender women prefer it.

How to Dress to Look Taller and Slimmer - One Color Outfit

7. The neckline on the dress or on the blouse also plays an important role. To appear taller, avoid round and square cutouts. The best option here would be a V-neck, it visually lengthens the neck and narrows the body. Or simply shape it with layering in the garment and accessory.

How to dress to look taller and slimmer photo with a cutout

8. It happens that young ladies, wanting to look slimmer, buy things that are too small. This is a big mistake. Such clothes only emphasize problem areas, but its task is just the opposite. Of course, wearing shapeless robes is also not worth it. Clothes should fit loosely on the figure.

How to dress to look taller and slimmer, images

9. It should also be remembered that pockets, inserts, decorative seams in clothes attract attention. Therefore, they should not be located in places that need to be hidden. For example, on full thighs, abdomen.

10. In order to emphasize the waist, use thin belts, placing them slightly higher than you would like.

What things to pay close attention to when choosing clothes?

The best clothing option would be feminine straight skirts, sundresses and jeans, trousers without any large folds and gathers. After all, they go well with almost any top - blouse, jacket, sweater, sweatshirt, cardigan. Although they look quite simple, you can find bold, unusual combinations, matching prints, stylish accessories for important meetings, work and leisure.

Prints for fat girls


Correctly selected shoes will complete this look. The best option here are classic shoes, boots, ankle boots with medium heels, wedges, steady square heels, which will add a few more centimeters of growth. And all kinds of sports shoes.

Shoes to be taller and slimmer


Clothing can hide many flaws, but one should not forget about a beautiful posture. A straight back, straightened shoulders, a raised head - all this not only makes a woman taller and slimmer, but also demonstrates to everyone her confidence in herself, in her attractiveness. Then those around them begin to perceive it that way.


the beauty
