How not to look like Cinderella at home: what to wear?

Dress comfortably and fashionably.

What should a woman and a girl wear at home? Many women make the same mistake: having won the heart of their beloved man, they calm down and believe that now they can relax and not pay too much attention to their appearance. Surely you will remember your acquaintances who walk at home in old tracksuits with stretched knees, hospital-style sweatshirts and other obscure robes.

How not to look like Cinderella at home: what to wear?

Meanwhile, psychologists warn: men very quickly lose the feeling of novelty and develop a habit - perhaps the main enemy of long-term relationships. You can talk for a long time about the imperfection of male nature and select colorful comparisons, but the fact remains: if you want your beloved to look at you with eyes full of love many years later, then you need to watch how you look and especially make sure that your home clothes looked attractive.

How to dress at home

Dress comfortably and beautifully at home

Of course, this does not mean that at home you have to parade in full dress, with war paint (in the sense, make-up) and an ingenious hairstyle. A woman must change! So think about what roles you play at home and what clothes might be suitable for each individual occasion.

Stylish suit for home

Let's start with where the day ends - from bed

Before going to bed, you took a bath with aromatic oils, and now you leave the bathroom all fragrant, in a short sexy silk robe that does not hide an equally sexy and also silk nightgown. A wonderful night of love is guaranteed!

silk robe

In the morning, a silk robe can be changed to a terry one

And in general, your clothes for household chores should have many options, because you have to do the cleaning (most conveniently in a cute T-shirt and leggings) and cook dinner (best in a beautiful knitted robe with a zipper, and do not forget about a flirty apron with frills!) ...

Bathrobe for home

Comfortable looks for the home

nice and comfortable - clothes for home

Pink striped suit for home

Large cage suit for home, cotton

And when all the work is done, it is so nice to take a nap on the sofa with your beloved in a cozy terry robe! By the way, such a robe will not hurt him either. A real family idyll! Read also: Hughge style? No, I haven't heard, but the style is very comfortable.


the beauty
