"Like an Ivanovo print robe": Valeria's dress surprised fans

Wow "robe"!

Singer Valeria is one of the celebrities whose style is closely watched on the network by an army of female fans. The star is not only a wonderful singer and a delightful woman, but also constantly surprises subscribers with her dress preferences, her ability to complete "bows".

Valeria's style

This time Valeria decided to choose a summer dress in a delicate flower, which attracted attention and caused a lot of controversy on the social network. Of course, the commentators were divided, some liked the dress, many did not. There were many dissatisfied, especially when the fans found out the cost of the dress - 200 tr... According to fans, the dress looks more like a cheap Ivanovo robe and the red price is one hundred rubles. White sneakers and matching socks were also criticized.

Valeria in a robe

  • “Like an Ivanovo print dressing gown. And cute! "
  • “Somehow nice and very homely. Touching and tender! "
  • "My mother gave birth in such a dressing gown."
  • "Oh, I'll go for a walk in my dressing gown too."
  • “My mother had such a robe in her youth. For the home, the truth. "
  • “A dress, the style of which will be fashionable at all times. Of course, the figure will not allow everyone to wear something like this and look appropriate! The image is wonderful! "
  • “How many emotions the dress evoked. Nice, summer dress. Very good in hot weather. And it looks good with sports shoes. And cozy. "

It is always interesting to consider Valeria's outfits, and how she looks organically in them. Did you like the new look of Valeria? Share your opinion. Recommended by topic: "Shoes fire!": Valeria delighted the fans in a stylish way.


the beauty
