How to be stylish: tips from famous stylists

Just for you - stylists' advice on how to look stylish.

Style is the art of finding a compromise with oneself and current fashion trends, this is the sixth sense that some have since childhood, but many blindly follow fashion and forget about their own feelings. This is not a problem, because there are always more experienced and knowledgeable people, such as stylists. They gave some basic tips on how to be stylish and not look stupid or out of fashion.

How to be stylish stylist tips

You must like your own reflection in the mirror.

Often this is an inner attitude. If you like yourself, you will exude that positive attitude that will make others look at you with admiration. Many things will play on you in a very different way. Clothes, hairstyle, makeup, accessories are not you, they are just an addition to your image and how they will look depends only on you.

How to get stylish

Shape your style according to the features of the figure and character

If you are a girl with a body, there is no reason to hide it and wear some kind of black, tight dresses and the like. Fat people in bright, loose clothes look much more positive and natural. This also applies to hair and makeup. Sparse or lush hair, everything can be presented harmoniously and stylishly at the same time.

Trust your inner voice while looking in the mirror

You will always feel if the thing does not fit well on you, not your size, color, that is, it is simply not yours. As for the colors separately, then everyone has their own preferences, and you try to choose clothes without going beyond them. This does not mean that your wardrobe should be all black or yellow, but style is a certain consistency, including in color.

When buying things, first of all look at their comfort.

Style is good, but you won't be up to it in very tight, uncomfortable clothes or shoes. Of course, these things should match your other wardrobe elements, both in shape and color. There is a table of the correct combination of colors developed by designers; you can easily find it on the Internet.


Come up with some kind of accent in your clothes, or as it is also called "trick". It could be anything. Shoes, a scarf, a certain cut of clothing. Experiment in front of the mirror and be sure to find something yours and only yours, but don't get carried away. There are places and situations where your new feature is out of place.

Listen to yourself

You have to get a feel for your style, it has to come from the inside, telling you what to wear. A person with a formed style almost never asks such a question and looks stylish on the street and at home. If you feel a problem with a choice, take inspiration from films or magazines about famous, media people. You should not blindly copy the image you like, but you will already know what you like and be guided by this when choosing stylish clothes.

How to look stylish

Style is not just about clothes

The main thing is to realize that style is not only clothes, it is only part of the style. Style is your inner world, your gait, facial expressions, gestures. Style is your surroundings, the design of your home and other things around you. Style is often underestimated, but it plays a very important role in our life. The correct and interesting style will help you feel happier and achieve your goals.


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