Brunettes are not allowed in: what colors in clothes go to all blondes, without exception

Feel free to add them to your wardrobe!

For many centuries there has been a fierce struggle between brunettes and blondes for the right to be the queen of all fashionistas. At different times, the victory was won by one or the other. In addition, the world through films instilled stereotypes in which all blondes are glamorous ladies in pink clothes with rhinestones and a dwarf dog under the arm.

Brunettes are not allowed in: what colors in clothes go to all blondes, without exception

What are the colors in clothes that suit all blondes, without exception?

Almost all pastel colors

These shades are very suitable for fair-haired girls, they can be safely incorporated into your everyday wardrobe.

Pastel colors suit all blondes

Classic black and white

Black will accentuate your figure, while white will create a strict feminine look, regardless of skin or eye color. These colors, including black & white combination, will allow you to create not only a casual or business look, but also an evening outfit.

Black for blondes

In black, cold and warm blondes will look festive, elegant and all thanks to the contrast between hair color and clothing color. The lighter the hair, the more spectacular the blonde looks.

Black and white looks for blondes


Another great color is gray. This color is not as dark as black. Therefore, many people think it is "more fun". Combined with pastel pink grey colour will give the girl more elegance and charm.

Blonde and shades of gray

Blue and light blue

Shades of deep blue can be a terrific idea for blondes. This color is distinguished by its special depth and velvety. Clothes of a blue shade will emphasize tenderness and fragility, suitable for all blondes, without exception.

Blue and light blue


Red, the color of passion, is perfect for blondes. In clothes of this color, girls will always look bright and seductive.

Colors for blondes

Emerald, turquoise

Green clothes should be approached with caution, since not all shades of this range are suitable for blond princesses. In some cases, this color can make the lady look tired. Khaki, emerald, turquoise and grassy shades are perfect for blondes.

Colors for blondes

Combinations of several shades for blondes


the beauty
