Beauty trick: how girls from Asia achieve absolutely matte skin

An unusual way is used by Korean girls, achieving velvety, matte skin. Ready to try a little beauty trick they recommend?

Korean women, Japanese women do not differ in smooth matte skin, in their countries they produce a huge amount of caring cosmetics that help them even out skin tone and skillfully mask enlarged pores.

But, beauty bloggers from these countries recommend to their subscribers a way that is a little strange for Europeans, or it would be more correct to say a trend that helps them quickly achieve a perfectly matte skin tone.

Beauty trick matte leather

Immersion - this is how this makeup technique literally translates. The method is originally from Japan, but is also in demand in Korea. Do not forget that before starting any make-up, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed, apply a primer and foundation.

The process is pretty straightforward.

  • 1. Girls first apply a generous amount of light powder to the face, you can replace it with baby powder, creating a kind of white cloud around the face.
  • 2. As a result, they look exactly like the geisha from the movie with whitened faces.
  • 3. Then immerse the "white" face in a container with cool water. Hold for a few seconds (10-20), the time depends on the type of skin.

So, the greasier the skin of the face, the longer it is necessary to keep the face in cool water. Then gently dry the skin with a towel.

Powder, combining with cool water, firmly retains the previously applied foundation and primer, creating a visible velvety matte effect on the face.


the beauty
