The actual shape of the eyebrows: the "golden rules" of makeup artists

Answers to important questions.

Each new season dictates its own rules, including the shape and shade of the eyebrows. The boom in expressive wide eyebrows on the face continues - today, this is the dream of every girl and woman! Thanks to the correctly selected shape of the eyebrows, you can easily mask imperfections, accentuate your makeup, without losing your own charm.

So that you can fulfill your dream, we have made for you a selection of the main rules of makeup artists regarding eyebrow correction. It allows you to act more professionally at home.

What shape is trending in 2018

The main rule of the season, which must be guided by - the natural shape of the eyebrows is in fashion, it is given to you by nature. It is important just to take care of them, to keep them in this condition, it suits your face best. The only thing is that once a week you need to remove excess hairs in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and the line below.

The current shape of the eyebrows 2018

What eyebrows add age

Each of the women strives for the ideal, wants look younger - remember that the eyebrows are well-defined, very dark, "strings", "commas", as well as round, fused on the bridge of the nose, too long (as a rule, these are lowered ends) greatly add age. Are we going to fix this?

Eyebrow shape adds age

What eyebrows are young

A very good option for women after 30 is straight and slightly shortened eyebrows. In your case, wide-set eyebrows will make you much younger. Pay attention to this when trying to make corrections at home, choosing the color and shape of your eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape rejuvenates
Molodit - of medium width, slightly shortened straight shape of the eyebrows, without a pronounced bend.

Who are wide eyebrows suitable for?

Girls and women need to be guided by their face type, but thick and wide eyebrows that are fashionable this year are ideal for young women with an oval face, large facial features, as well as women who wear lush hairstyles (high tails and buns). If you have a round face, small facial features, skin with rashes, then the wide shape should be discarded.

Who is the wide brow shape suitable for?

How to grow plucked eyebrows

If you dream of growing a damaged eyebrow shape, you will need patience and home care. The misconception is that they will grow back on their own. In fact, a woman can actively influence their growth.

The current shape of the eyebrows golden rules of makeup artists

  • Regularly, or rather, once a week, we scrub the eyebrows with a face scrub. Dead skin in this area blocks the exit of new hairs. Therefore, this must be done.
  • At night, every day we do self-massage of the eyebrows with our fingers (3-5 minutes), thereby improving blood circulation in this area and activating hair growth.
  • Apply castor or burdock oil to the eyebrow area (they have the best effect on growth acceleration).
  • The second option is eyebrow and eyelash usma oil.
  • If these oils do not help you individually, then mix all three oils. Each woman is individual, accordingly, her own version is suitable.

Recommended by topic: we adopt secrets, celebrities who have perfect eyebrows (photo)... Text:, photo: Getty Images,, Instagram.


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