9 ways to visually make your hands look prettier and younger

Choosing the right tactics!

It has long been believed that beautiful and well-groomed hands are a sign of aristocracy and femininity. In the modern world, it is becoming more and more difficult to preserve youth and beauty of hands every day. Surely many have heard that the skin of the hands is very delicate and needs care no worse than the face. However, many women neglect this scientific fact and do not pay enough attention to their hands. In vain.

Quality hand care

We rarely pay attention to our hands, but they are the ones that give out age. The fact is that the skin of the hands ages as quickly as the neck and décolleté - much faster than the skin of the face. That is why hand skin care is essential at any age, regardless of lifestyle and occupation. Here are some tips to save your hands from premature aging.

Remember to keep your hands moist in the summer.

Sometimes the usual cream is not enough for this, so you should pay attention to those containing glycolic acid, dimethicones, Omega-3. But in winter, focus on nutritious natural remedies - oils.

Hand care

Protect from sunlight

Unfortunately, tanning is beautiful, but bad for the skin, especially for the hands. Use SPF creams in the summer. This will help get rid of age spots.

Wear gloves when driving for the same reason. It is inconvenient to use creams while driving, but gloves will not bring discomfort.

Make vaseline masks

To do this, apply warm cosmetic petroleum jelly to the hands, put on cotton gloves and let it stand for several hours. Ideally, mask at night!

Use a scrub

Do not close your eyes to hand scrubs, because particles of dead epidermal cells remain on her skin, just like on her face. You need to get rid of them. Otherwise, the skin will simply become clogged with these dead cells, which will accelerate aging and slow down the penetration of skin care products.

Lighten the skin of your hands

If the skin of the hands is formed dark spots, carefully read the compositions of the creams used. They should include niacinamide, antioxidants, vitamins C and A. Their use will help overcome the problem.

Hand care

Cosmetology procedures

If, after the above tips, the problem of age spots has not ceased to torment.

  • For example, there is a procedure for removing age spots with a laser - it is painless, fast, and effective. Do not be afraid to see a doctor, even a cosmetologist.
  • More hyaluronic acid preparations in combination with neoplasma modeling or biorevitalization of the hands give an excellent and instant result, and the procedure is easy and painless.

Hand care rules and procedures

Don't cut your cuticles

This causes dry skin around the nails. It is better to give it time to grow back and move it aside with an orange stick - over time, the growth of the cuticle slows down, its appearance will cease to torment you. Use special oils to moisturize and soften the cuticles.

Techniques that make your hands look prettier and younger

Choose the right shades of varnish

Let us tell you a secret - there are several shades of varnishto make your hands look younger. It is a beige palette and warm pastel. For example, pale pink, elegant beige, peach, muted olive and others, at least in the area of ​​the hands, refresh us and slightly neutralize age signs.

How to make your hands look prettier and younger - the choice of varnish

With these easy tips, your skin on your hands can be visibly transformed and rejuvenated for several years.The main thing in this business is to realize that your skin needs constant care, and to devote at least a little time a day to taking care of yourself!


the beauty
