63-year-old sociology professor unexpectedly conquered the world of fashion

Stylish Looks of New York City Sociology Professors.

Professor of Sociology from New York - Lyn Slater has become an Internet star, a fashion statement, deservedly so.


It should be noted right away that Slater did not initially set herself the goal of becoming famous. However, today she not only maintains her blog on Instagram (@ iconaccidental), but also starred in advertisements on television, many well-known brands drew attention to her.



Fame and fame came to Lin suddenly, after fashion photographers captured the professor of sociology at New York Fashion Week, mistaking for a fashion blogger, although Slater was just passing by on the street.

Lin Slader

Pictures of the fashionable woman instantly scattered on the Web, as Lin's taste and avant-garde style are only delightful.

Aged fashion professor

Lin Slater style icon

Lin insists that in everyday life she wears only those things in which she is photographed for her fashionable instagram project and the website www.accidentalicon.com.

Lin Slater's casual style

The woman loves sunglasses and bags. She has more than 100 thousand fans, they closely follow the new outfits of the fashionable professor.

Lin in jeans and black glasses

Slater is 63 years old, but she looks great, slim, active, natural and very feminine.

Stylish and fashionable Lin Slater

Lin Slater

Lin Slater inspires not only young women, she shows that at any age you can be fashionable, bright and stylish! The professor is building her fashion career, we wish her to achieve success in all endeavors.

Lin close up style
See also: age is not a hindrance to style, fashionable images of Jacqueline from Italy... Text: trends.desigusxpro.com/en/, photo: Instagram.


the beauty
