5 tips on how to care for your hands after 40 to hide imperfections

How to care for your hands after 40.

How to care for your hands after 40 so that they remain attractive. Care should not be neglected, neglected handles dramatically spoil the overall impression of you. As for the anti-aging routine, it is primarily the daily care of the hands and manicure.

How to care for your hands after 40

Nail and cuticle care

Nails are what immediately grabs attention. A manicure should be beautiful, but age appropriate and not defiant. Excessively long nails in aged women look repulsive, giving the impression of sloppiness. However, it is also not necessary to cut very short. The main thing is that the nails are neat and natural. At this age, it is only important to avoid pretentiousness and excesses in nail decor.

Nails, under the influence of irregular care and weather factors, can deteriorate, exfoliate and become very brittle. You can counteract this process - use nourishing oils. For example, a mixture of geranium essential oil with almond.

Hand care after 40

The color scheme for manicure is individual, but it is desirable to match it with the season and the general appearance of a woman.

Hand care after 40

To maintain the overall impression, besides nails, you should take care of the skin of your hands, wash only with water at room temperature (hot dries the skin), wear gloves, cuticle oil, moisturizer and nourishing cream should be prescribed in your cosmetic bag.

Hand care after 40

Paraffin therapy

Regenerate the aging and dry skin of the hands, elbows, feet, knees using paraffin therapy. The procedure usually takes place in a beauty salon, but with the purchase of special equipment and minimal experience, it can be done at home. A simple and quick procedure that can completely transform, moisturize, soften the skin in just 1 application, it also nourishes it with nutrients. In addition, improving the appearance of your hands is beneficial for your emotional well-being.

What well-groomed hands look like

Plastic wrap

For the care of the skin of the hands suffering from temperature changes, a method such as plastic wrap is also used. It helps to open pores and activate blood circulation. The advantage of this protective procedure is the fact that it is easy to do it yourself at home.

A nourishing cream is applied to the hands (the layer should be thick), then plastic gloves or bags are put on top for 15 minutes. Then, to keep warm, you need to wrap your hands in terry towels.

Bio Gloves

In case of serious problems with the skin of the hands, it is advisable to use bio gloves. One of their recipes: a quarter glass of water, fifteen grams of starch, 2 grams. boric acid and edible gelatin. This composition should gradually dry on the skin of the hands. For reddening of the hands, a layer of grated potatoes is applied under a cling film. If your skin is excessively dry, read the recommendations: how to take care of the skin of your hands when there is dryness and microcracks... Of great, if not decisive importance is the regular prevention of destructive processes on the skin of the hands.


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